Woodwork Pre-Finishing Services
If you are a custom cabinet maker, or if you are someone who is in need of having a product finished before it is installed, pre-finishing may be the solution for you. Pre-finishing is typically recommended to clients who do not have much working space or do not have the right tools, knowledge or time to complete projects such as finishing cabinets, doors, windows or trim themselves.
Before installing your next project, let our professional woodwork finishing painters pre-finish your projects for you. We take pride in each and every project–never over-looking the fine details. From modern to romantic, we can finish any of your cabinets, windows, or doors unique to your specific style.
We will work with you to make certain your project is pre-finished before your installation date. Whether big or small, we work on every project using a comprehensive approach that guarantees your project will be completed efficiently and on time.
If you have any questions about pre-finishing, call Infinite Design today!